software keeps crashing on save after adding RAM

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Karl Shikles
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software keeps crashing on save after adding RAM

Post by Karl Shikles »

Hello all,

I upgraded my HP OMEN Laptop 15-dh1xxx windows laptop to 64gb of Ram recently. It's a gaming machine, so it has a proper graphics card (16gb, I believe). Ironically, ecabinetsystems has started crashing a lot when I'm trying to save my job. Sometimes it gives me an 'unable to save HOOPS information' error code and just won't save but doesn't lock up or shut down. Sometimes the program/window will just disappear. And sometimes it will just lock up and give me an 'ecabinet systems is not responding' message. The last one seems to happen most frequently after I have just created or modified a line drawing. Any tips or tricks? I try to save after just about every step that I take just so that I lose the minimum amount of progress, but it seems to be a coin toss as to whether it will save or lock up/crash no matter what operation I've just completed.

Please someone let me know if there are any common troubleshooting steps I can take or what further info/files I can provide. I love the program but am super frustrated by my inability to save my progress.
ecabinets crash screen.jpg
Clint Buechlein
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Re: software keeps crashing on save after adding RAM

Post by Clint Buechlein »

In Edit-> Settings/Preferences, make sure the box for Disable Crash Reporting is unchecked. That will hopefully get it to where the software will crash and get to the crash reporter so we can gather more information. For curiosity sake, with Task Manager open when you save your file, how much memory is eCabinets using? Are you getting towards the 3GB range?

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