Dificult to Part edit

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Mark McCallum
Guru Member
Posts: 517
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Dificult to Part edit

Post by Mark McCallum »

Sometimes I waste hours in the part editor trying to get something stable.

Take for instance the attached part.
I spent about 3 hours tweaking and designing some corner floor doors that are 13mm thick.
I needed to put a plug on the back so I could use Bifold corner hinges. 3 hours seems pretty fair for a set up time.
Messed around a bit with adding and subtracting to get it right but didn't have a lot of problems.

So I cut them out into individual parts using create part from selected profile in the part editor, and match it up to the door to test it out and make sure its all good.
Dumb dumb me, has made a mistake, so I readjust the dxfs, Just move 12 holes on 2 pieces, and because I have worked out my system, am getting faster.

So I must have fluked the first one.
Now I know how I'm doing it, it should be quick right?
Going brain numb, a new day, at least 5 hours worth of work later and I finally get one that doesn't throw up any errors.

I often wonder if its just us/me doing more custom jobs than most joiners would bother with causing the problems?
Like set up your standard libraries and never a deviation will happen.
Did the rest try Ecabs, decide this is all too hard and swap to something else, or just keep it super basic?
I know about 5 to 10 of us on here do custom stuff but is that about it?
I know the cut center routers would really appeal to many joiners that bash out standard boxes, swapping to CNC, without wanting to much customisation or having to learn Ecabs customising capabilities.

Any way, I constantly loose so much time on what I think will simple stuff.

Its the top strip that started to not want to be created, the other 3 were fine with most of the ways I tried,
The strange thing was, It wasn't the parts I adjusted that started to throw up the errors.

Posting it as a curiosity, and hoping next time I want to part edit something.......

I get flukey lucky. :joker:
A Hinge strips.jpg
A Hinge strips.jpg (13.88 KiB) Viewed 364 times
Difficult to part edit.esj
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