Control Nesting Part Placement Observations

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Tommy Wieler
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Control Nesting Part Placement Observations

Post by Tommy Wieler »

Greetings everyone!
Hope you're not getting tired of my posts... guess it's the beta tester in me that is constantly on the lookout for software improvements.
Seems to me that recently I've been seeing more unefficient part placement in Control Nesting. Or at least, I have frequently been able to make better use of my material than what the automatic nesting suggests.
For example, Automatic Nesting suggested the following part placement for a nest I did today.
AutoNest Sheet1.JPG
AutoNest Sheet2.JPG
Obviously not the most efficient way, right?
So I went to Manual Mode, bumped a few parts around, and very easily made room for those last three parts on the 1st sheet. Like so:
I was just wondering how easy it would be to get Control Nesting to consider multiple possibilities when optimizing part placement, and use whichever variation uses the smallest sheet count?
Just my thought for the day.
Not complaining. Just thinking out loud. :)
Michel Leblanc
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Re: Control Nesting Part Placement Observations

Post by Michel Leblanc »

We noticed this as well.
From my understanding, it nests parts largest to smallest and once a part has been placed, it does not revisit that part so you end up with very inefficient nests sometimes.
We have used a work around of changing priorities of parts which changes the order in which they are nested manually.

But that's not the best work around. I love your idea for nesting in multiple methods and using the one that reduces sheet counts the most. I used a software before that did this and it was great for that.

The software i used had a time spent nesting per sheet option so you could set it to 3 seconds per sheet so the computer would go thru multiple scenarios for 3 seconds then pick the one that nested best. I would love to see something like this in future updates
Thomas strembitsky
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Re: Control Nesting Part Placement Observations

Post by Thomas strembitsky »

have you played around at all with rectangular nesting?
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