restaurants bar design online training

Place to discuss only the "Design Sharing" aspects of the eCabinet Systems software.

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restaurants bar design online training

Post by ELI CRUZ »

hello fellow craftsmen
I had a question on the eCabinet training that i hope you all can answer for me!
I'm trying to build a restaurants bar and this would be my first time designing it with eCabinet.
and really have know clue how to go about it!
so my question is? if i sign up for the online training will that give me a better idea on how to go about it, and or do they even cover how to do radius design aka a curved bar. i searched the form and saw that it is possible. and i would ask if they would share it but my shop burned down and most of my tools have been destroyed waiting on the insurance to start over, I'm going to be using my friends shop to get some projects done. sorry for the sob story!! i just cant afford to pay for a design right now! thanks for your help!!

the bar is L shaped 41' total
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Scott Marshburn
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Re: restaurants bar design online training

Post by Scott Marshburn »

What type of construction are you using Framed or frameless ? Will the corners of the cabinet be radius or just the top?. If the corners of the cabinets will be radius The help file has a section on radius corner cabinets that you might want to take a look at. It would be a worth wile investment to get the videos even if they do not cover this type of construction. I personally have not viewed any of them but hindsight being 20,20 I would defiantly get them as it would have saved me hours of home work learning and experimenting. In the future If you have any questions on your project you might get a quicker response by posting them on the eCabinets forum.
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