Micrvellum on a Thermwood

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Nemanja Vujkovic
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Micrvellum on a Thermwood

Post by Nemanja Vujkovic »

We are having a real hard time using Microvellum on our themwood router...

The problem currently is with dadoes...we started a string at woodweb and have tried various solutions with no succes

http://www.woodweb.com/cgi-bin/forums/c ... ead=523805

E-cabs is running fine on the Thermwood however we need to be able to run M-Vellum also

Any experienced users out their?

Ryan Hochgesang

Post by Ryan Hochgesang »

As discussed, please send me the cnc code that is creating the cutout which you've posted on woodworkers web site, along with any other valuable information regarding issues your seeing and I will get with the Software Engineers here at Thermwoood to discuss a possible solution. We will certainly do our best to help you out.
Forrest Chapman
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Post by Forrest Chapman »


I've been watching your post on woodweb and am curious as to what MV tech support has said about resolving the problem.

Did they get you set up and cut some parts while in your shop? What was the outcome of that? If you were cutting quality parts while they were there maybe you inadvertantly changed one of there settings.

Please keep us posted.

Nemanja Vujkovic
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Post by Nemanja Vujkovic »

Roger here

MV has sent us several \"test programs\" none have worked....we had an instructor over here for a week and the problem was the same....

Right now our drafting guys are talking quite a bit with the programmers(we get the info second hand from those exchanges) at MV to try and sort it out....it's been several months :? ...
Ryan Hochgesang

Post by Ryan Hochgesang »

Update on this posting:

I've taken files and related info. which I've received, to our Software Engineering dept. here at Thermwood in an attempt resolve issues being seen when trying to nest Microvellum dxf files. The files and information which I received, helped us verify that the cut paths being seen are a result of the dxf out-put from Microvellum being different to what we've designed the Control Nesting software to read. Our Software Engineering staff here at Thermwood is going to get in contact with Microvellum in attempt to resolve this issue. As soon as I get more information, I will be sure to post it.

Everyones patience is appreciated, as we attempt to resolve this matter.
Roger Erismann
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Post by Roger Erismann »


Thanks again for all your help.

I do have a question though about the CNC file that is not cutting right...I believe MV generates it's own G-code...although we did have issues with MV DXF's...our primary concern was the G-code gnerated by MV.

Do you know anyother Thermwood owners that have succesfully run MV?

Thanks again Ryan...everybody at AMSL appreciates your efforts.
Wood Butcher/Case Maker
Ryan Hochgesang

Post by Ryan Hochgesang »

Hi All,

As far as CNC code that is actually posted from M.V. software, we can only look at the code and make suggestions as to how the code should appear in cnc program (ie: sequences for applying cutter comp., tool calls, etc....) in order for the Thermwood controler to function correctly with the M & G code provided in program. However, we can only make suggestions as far as how code should appear when posted, we do not have access to software or method which is used to make post processor for M.V. as each software has own type and methods.

In regards to dxf files, we can work with Microvellum and try to get the dxf file they provide, setup so that Control Nesting can read and utalize the information when nesting files and creating cnc code on the Thermwood control.
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