Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

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Marius Gouws
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Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Marius Gouws »

Hello Again
Just fine something else after updating.
F11, F2, click on the load Load button in the main CN window, click on the load .TWD in the load window, load a .twd file. In the load window it gives the width and the length as follow W 1800mm L 950mm (which is right), click on OK, nest, everything fine, but if you click on Load again now the measurements is as follow W 45720mm L 24130mm.
Then load a bedroom job that I have cut yesterday before updating and everything was right then. The drawer box parts measurements is as follow: W -507994920 L -507994920 (this happens when you load the job the first time) the rest of the parts, for example: Left End W 510mm L 698mm will load the right measurements the first time, but after you click on OK and go back to the Nesting screen, then you click on load again, then that same part measurement look like this: Left End W 12954mm L 17729mm
Marius Gouws
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Re: 5.57 update screen problem

Post by Marius Gouws »

I forgot:
Here is the .cab file from Control Nesting.
Go!! Bulls!
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Re: 5.57 update screen problem

Post by Marius Gouws »

Good Morning
When I load a job where the sizes of the drawer box is list as W -50227620 or something, when you try to nest it, it freezes the hole computer (not even a Ctrl + Alt + Delete will get you out off absolute zero) I had to turn the Control off and back on again. If you deselect the drawer box's from the cutting list in Control nesting everything works fine, nesting and writing the code.
Next problem. When I load an off-fall sheet of material that is NOT rectangular, it show and nest right in CN but when you write the code there is a problem. V5.48 the code for the NOT rectangular sheets will read as follow: SET XSHIFT = 3040.00 and SET YSHIFT = 2133.00. V5.57 the code looked like this: SET XSHIFT = 2160.00 and SET YSHIFT = 1240.00, but then the first line of code for that sheet: G00 X3008.00 Y1396.00. So you get a "X axis out off boundry" error. So I manualy go to those lines hit "Tab" and chance XSHIFT to 3040.00 and YSHIFT to 2133.00 and there everything is working again like with V5.48.
Last but not the least. The flip-op sheets, when it trim the 2 edges the code looks like this:
G00X70.0000Y-1.3500 (2 Edge Trim)
G01Z-6.3500F3000 <-----(this is right)
G01X-70.0000Y-1.3500Z-16.1000F3000 <------(why is this set to F3000, it burn the cutter up, it must be F14000)
Thanks in advance
Ryan Hochgesang

Re: Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Ryan Hochgesang »


Can you please provide the drawer box design file (.hsf) along with the CNC code you've produced an is showing the Lead-In feed of 3000? You can post here or send to

Daniel Vonderheide
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Re: Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Daniel Vonderheide »


The issue with drawer box pieces having large negative values has been reported to us. It was found that if you remove a piece of the drawer box in the drawer box editor in Ecabs, the piece still is sent out to CN but with a rather large negative size. This will lock up CN. You are correct that you can just uncheck them and it will nest correctly. As soon as we receive the files Ryan requested above, we can start looking into the other issues. Thanks.
Marius Gouws
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Re: Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Marius Gouws »

Good Morning
The zip file contains 1 cabinet out of a job file that I have trouble with the big negative value for the drawer box's. The drawer box exist of only a bottom and back, because we are using Blum DWD Tandem box slides. I have found now that if you load a cabinet with a full drawer box (bottom, left,right,front and back) you do not get the big negative number when you load it. Those I can load , nest and cut successful. The big number for the parts problem, it seems to me it take the measurements in millimeters and times it by 25.4(inch (1800mm x 25.4 = 45720)).
The cnc file is a dustbin cabinet that we use that contains a full drawer box and have flip-ops. I have nested it with an off-fall sheet, so you can see the wrong feed rate for the trim egdes and the wrong X and Y shifts for off-fall sheets.
Thermwood CNC
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Re: Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Daniel Vonderheide »


We are able to see the feed rate ramp in issue but we need some more information about the x and y shift errors. What sheet in the nest above was the offfall sheet and what were the actual dimensions for it. I show sheet one as being 1900 by 1500 and sheet two as being 2750 by 1830. Thanks for the additional info.
Marius Gouws
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Re: Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Marius Gouws »

Good Afternoon Daniel
The first sheet (1900x1500) was the off-fall sheet, the second sheet is a normal full sheet, no problems there.
When I load a non-rectangular off-fall sheet in the add sheet window my first point x is 3040 and point y is 2133, my next point is on the y point , I measure the board side and deduct the amount from 2133 , the next on the x point deduct again until I have the close shape of the off-fall piece(ending with the last two point back at X point 3040 Y point 2133)
V5.48 when writing the code will give that sheet a X shift = 3040 and Y shift = 2133.
Hope it make sence
Daniel Vonderheide
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Re: Control Nesting 5.57 - Drawer box issues

Post by Daniel Vonderheide »

That does make sense. The thing is, it's the wrong way to do it. You need to start at 0,0 and work your way around the sheet in a counter clockwise motion. If you start at 0,0 and create a non rectangular sheet that is 2000 x 1000 and then accept the sheet, you will see those dimensions in the accepted sheet area. If you start at 3040,2133 and make the same sheet, once you accept that sheet, you will see that the dimensions again are 2000 x 1000, not 3040 x 2133. It recognizes the size of the sheet made and not where it was made. You also need to be aware that the sheet is being positioned, in your case, at your G902 location and then shifted back towards home. This means that the sheet needs to be positioned in the corner opposite home where you have your G902 located. Basically you create the sheet to the size you want and then the machine nests it and positions it in the fence location for you.
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