Full dado innacurately measuring?

Moderators: Jason Susnjara, Larry Epplin, Clint Buechlein, Scott G Vaal

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Manoli Papagiannakis
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Full dado innacurately measuring?

Post by Manoli Papagiannakis »

Hello all,

I use ecabinets 6.1 beta

I have designed a whole kitchen cabinet and a center island. When i apply the stretchers to the back, the stretchers are accurately measured and thats not a problem. I use the same template for 3/4" birch with a dado depth of .5 which SHOULD leave me with .25 of birch after the CNC machine carves it out. However its not on some pieces and doing it on some. As im trying to troubleshoot, ive noticed that the numbers match so maybe its a calibration issue? ANy help would be greatly appreciated im just concerned because i dont want to improperly design cabinetry and waste material.


Clint Buechlein
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Re: Full dado innacurately measuring?

Post by Clint Buechlein »


I replied to your email.

On a side note, if a dado is set to be .5" deep and your material is .75" deep, it may or may not leave you with .25" of material. If you have a depth or fit clearance for the dado, the leftover material in eCabinets will measure exact. However, when it comes off router it will measure differently. For example, if you have a full dado .5" deep, on .75" material and a .01" depth and fit clearance, leftover material will measure .24". As well as the dado will measure .76" wide. The fit and depth clearances are applied to part size when the .twd is written.

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