Common top and bottom rail between cabs

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Scott Marshburn
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Scott Marshburn »

Thanks Ralph for confirming my issue. Now I can sleep peacefully tonight.
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Scott Marshburn »

Ok. Here is a video on how I drew the cabinet that I posted earlier in this thread. Just in case anyone is interested.
Greg Julius
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Greg Julius »

Woah!! Scott, that's sweet! :D

That video was an excellent example on laying out a cabinet, using the formula (f(x)) Editor, Opening Locks, Associations between parts & partitions, the Part Editor, the Constraint Manager and the Advanced features of the Stretcher Editor.

I gleaned a lot of info on how to go about doing things on this video.

At about 5:45 into the video, where you are going to adjust the partitions, they appeared to just jump there but I didn't see what you did. Was this manual or some automagic something? Since you are doing the associations, was it necessary to move them before the association or will having the inset at zero on the association move the partition to the stile?

On re-watching I think you answered the question at about 7:55 when placing the bottom deck-shelf. I think (but couldn't really see) that the shelf moved to your 1/16 proud specification.

Similarly at about 10:55 where you were using the Stretcher Editor Advanced features, you set associations, then you set the inset values. The stretcher didn't adjust based upon your placing the associations. Would it be too much to ask if you could you more fully explain the purpose of the associations? I understand in general that it's to cause the resize to happen correctly but I don't yet have a solid grasp of why/what it's doing.

I'll be playing around with both of these tomorrow. So Neat!

I can't say thank you enough for this. I absolutely love it & I'm going to build one tomorrow.


P.S., FWIW, I do use 1/4" sheet stock for the back. I inset the back with a full dado and have the nailer stretchers behind the back.
Greg Julius
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Greg Julius »

Scott, you may already have a video that goes into in-depth explanation of associations. If so, just point me to the proper video please. I'm cruzing through your videos, but there are so many I would appreciate a point to the right one.
Scott Marshburn
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Scott Marshburn »

Greg Julius wrote: At about 5:45 into the video, where you are going to adjust the partitions, they appeared to just jump there but I didn't see what you did. Was this manual or some automagic something? Since you are doing the associations, was it necessary to move them before the association or will having the inset at zero on the association move the partition to the stile?
Sorry If I confused you. The video was originally about 35 minutes long so I had to cut out a lot just to get it to the length that it is now but.
Yes it is necessary to manually move the partitions so that they touch the mid stile that you wish to associate them to. If they do not touch the mid stile then the program will not allow you to associate them.
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Scott Marshburn »

Greg Julius wrote:Scott, you may already have a video that goes into in-depth explanation of associations. If so, just point me to the proper video please. I'm cruzing through your videos, but there are so many I would appreciate a point to the right one.
Here is a video on how to draw an upper range cabinet. I get into a little more detail in that video on the stretchers and there associations as well as the part associations.

While you are checking out that video. You might want to check out my play list How to make a raised panel trunk in eCabinets or How to draw a dynamic octagon column in eCabinets
In these play list I get into a lot of detail using stretchers.
Greg Julius
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Re: Common top and bottom rail between cabs

Post by Greg Julius »

Thanks Scott. That was a really nice video and I could tell a lot of thought and preparation went into it's making. It was very instructive for me.

Good to know about the "needs to touch" requirement and I'll be watching the videos soon.

Thanks again!
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