OT Do you know what is in your computer

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Re: OT Do you know what is in your computer

Post by DanEpps »

Either one should work just fine for you George. Just make sure you backup the registry before starting the cleanup program. The cleanup programs create a backup but it is usable only by that program. The backup method I described earlier can be restored simply by double-clicking the file. This is useful if the cleanup program "cleans" your computer so well that it won't start. In this case you would just boot in safe mode and restore the registry backup then reboot.
Joe Harkin
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Re: OT Do you know what is in your computer

Post by Joe Harkin »

George, dont know if you went for a Registry cleaner but you might look at Easy Cleaner
http://www.download.com/ToniArts-EasyCl ... 29179.html
D/L thru the CNet site & pretty well recommended. Also look for CCleaner. Both are good maintenance utilities and
free. I use both - they always find different stuff, but the little bitty differences dont mean diddly. Dan is right (as always) - BACK UP BEFORE CHANGING. The registry is the Achilles heel of Windows - the only real way to clean it is to reformat the HD, re-install Windows and then all your software.
I also use two different defraggers - JKdefrag and Auslogics disk Defrag. JK runs longer but does a slightly more thorough job.
My weekly routine is to use CCleaner and/or EasyCleaner to clear out the 'junk', then use the Registry cleaner(s), then run the defragger(s). And I keep the start-up list as short as possible.
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