Smart Routers process part programs two ways:
Smart-routers easily nest on material left from other jobs. This means thousands, perhaps tens of thousands of dollars savings each year.
Smart routers recover from a broken tool without scrapping the sheet you are cutting or restarting the job. This saves a lot over time.
Smart routers use smart nesting. They automatically adjust the program for smaller parts using skins or tabs.
If you have material with a defect, smart routers can easily nest around the defect, allowing you to use the sheet anyway.
Smart routers easily fly cut the spoilboard in the middle of a job. Maintaining a good working spoilboard surface with ordinary routers is involved and prone to problems.
Smart routers perform back side operations on a full sheet rather than process the back of parts one at a time. This not only saves labor but also avoids errors from handling a lot of individual parts.
Smart routers alert you when a prominent, highly visible part is about to be processed so you can hand select a sheet with good grain and no flaws. This avoids scrapping important parts due to small flaws.
Programming is a lot simpler. Send a design file from almost any design software, even a DXF file, to the machine and it does everything else. No need to develop inflexible posted CNC programs, the machine does it all automatically. And, in the case of the Cut Center, no programming is necessary. Just select what you want to make and it does it.
You do not need to develop a CNC program just to remake parts. At the end of a job, simply scan the label on any part or parts and it nests them on the remaining material and cuts them. You can remake parts from a previous job the same way.
Smart routers let you load your entire product line in the machine and then select, resize and run any product or combination of products without developing a CNC program for each job. It even lets you change material thickness without programming.
When selecting a product to run, smart routers show not only the alphanumeric name but also an image of the item to help avoid errors.
Smart routers support pause technology. The operator no longer must remain at the machine to stop it in an emergency. A pause button clipped to his belt can stop the machine, so the operator is free to perform other tasks away from the control. A progress bar, visible from a distance, shows the operator how long before he needs to service the machine. It’s like getting an extra worker for free.
Machining backside operations on the full sheet rather than on individual parts saves a lot of labor. Also, it is more likely to make errors and scrap parts when they are handled one at a time.
Smart routers run just about anything. They nest and run part data from the major cabinet design software packages. They run DXF files from about anything. In fact files from multiple sources can be easily nested together in a single job. Smart-routers are pretty much compatible with the world. If you are not running nested based, you can run programs from about any software or run existing programs originally written for about any other machine.
Since all factors unique to a machine are handled within the machine, you can send the same file to any smart router, regardless of size or configuration and it will run properly plus you will get the exact same parts.
Smart routers easily process material whose thickness varies from the thickness specified in the original design. Simply input actual material thickness at the beginning of a job and the machine makes all necessary adjustments automatically.
Smart routers tell you what they are doing and offer instructions every step of the way. They tell you how many steps in the program, what step they are on and what they are doing. If you can read you can run a smart-router.
Smart routers use smart labels. For jobs with more than one item, color symbols tell you which part goes with which item, saving a lot of sorting time. Diagrams on the label tell you which edges get edge banded.
Smart routers run assembly marks. This pattern of dots, machined into mating joints show which parts fit together. This cuts assembly time on most items more than in half.
Smart routers use smart tooling technology. This makes it really easy when you run different materials that each require different tooling (wood and aluminum for example). Simply specify the material and the machine will select the correct tools and run them at the proper speeds.
Smart routers keep track of tool use and alert you when a tool should be changed, before it starts cutting bad parts. When a tool gets dull you can even have it switch to a backup tool, automatically.
Smart routers can machine a profile edge without a profile tool, by tracing over the edge multiple times with standard tools. It even works on curved moldings. This saves a lot for any shop that makes custom moldings.
Smart routers track use and tell you when it is time to clean a filter, lubricate items or perform other routine maintenance.
When an error is encountered, smart routers show you a diagram of the likely causes and recommends remedies.
You can access a complete searchable maintenance and operating manual right at the smart router
Smart routers show you videos of how to perform virtually all service functions.
Smart routers display a three-dimensional CAD drawing of the machine which you can rotate explode and zoom to see how parts fit together and accurately identify every part of the machine. This avoids errors when ordering parts and gets you back running quickly.
Smart routers can be serviced, reconfigured and tuned over the Internet.
Smart router controls are easily updated online and can generally be upgraded as new technology develops.
Smart routers use a touch screen like an iPad, iPhone or tablet computer. Ordinary routers that may not even have a display, much less a touch display. This is a serious shortcoming and makes the machine a lot harder to learn and use, necessitating a more capable, better trained and more expensive operator.
Thermwood smart routers have a terabyte of memory while ordinary routers have less memory than your phone. With that much memory, programs for every part of every product made by every company in the wood business can probably be stored on a single Thermwood smart router.
Smart routers live on the web. They access updates on the web, are accessed and serviced through the web and apps let you monitor and manage your smart-router using your smart phone or tablet.